Friday, June 28, 2013

Get crackin, Julia

As I've said before, Tim did not include Cory when he took Jake on the weekends while we were separated.  This hurt her feelings enormously.  She felt abandoned by a man...yet again.  I felt horrible for her, and tried to intercede with Tim on her behalf, to no avail.  Tim was pissed at the world, and wasn't budging an inch.  So every weekend for over four years was Mommy/Cory time.  I remember being exhausted during some of the rougher times of her illness, and thinking I could sure use a respite. 
Now that I look back, I realize it was meant to be that way.  I had so much time to spend with my girl, and I don't regret a single moment of it...not the good times or the bad.  Every experience made our relationship stronger.  Without that time with her, how would I have made memories like the following:
Cory and I went to see the movie, Julie & Julia on a typical Mommy/Cory day.  Jake was at his dad's in Marshall, and we were free to play the day and night away.  After the movie was over, we were craving Julia Child's famous Boeuf Bourguignon. So what did two crazy girls do? 
We left the matinee, and went straight to Barnes & Noble to buy the cookbook, Mastering The Art of French cooking.   Then we were off to Kohl's to buy a shiny, red Dutch oven.  Our last stop was Felpausch to get all the ingredients. 
By the time the dish was done, it was easily 2 a.m. There we were crowded around the pot, eager for that first taste. We agreed it was the best thing we had ever tasted.  Picture two skinny white girls, laughing and
 swordfighting with forks over the must succulent beef dish of all time.
I made it for her 18th birthday and a couple other was a little pricey, if you got the good red wine the recipe called for.  Upon that first bite, Cory always said she felt like she'd died and gone to heaven.
 Julia Child, if you're up there, get your tail in the kitchen and make my baby girl some Boeuf Bourguignon. 
She deserves it.

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