Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Flirting at the Vascular Doctor's

Days of Cory #19-

I remember Cory by telling silly stories about my day that I can no longer share with her.  I can see her face and hear her laugh. 

Learning my lesson from my ill-fated visit to the podiatrist to reveal a truly wooly-mammoth type leg, I did indeed shave and moisturize my legs before going to the vascular doctor I was referred to for my mysteriously ailing toe.  I was fully expecting a doddering old coot, and sat up a little straighter when a dark-eyed man five years or so my junior with a foreign accent entered the room.

You know that spark when two people find themselves attracted to each other?  Yep, there was said spark.  It lasted even as I relayed my medical history and gave him the detailed saga of my put-upon toe.  I somehow managed to give him my best bedroom eyes, even while describing how my toe peels like a banana every three months or so.  He did not miss a beat.  Our eyes held, and all that sexual tension was fairly palpable right up until he asked me to place my foot in his gloved hand.

That moment when you place your foot in a guy's hand should be unforgettable, something you can call up in your memory once you've reached your sunrise years, and find yourself cold and alone at night.
Yeah, well...
Ashamed, feeling hideous and disfigured, I gingerly placed my foot in his gloved hand and watched all his impure thoughts about me disappear as he gazed upon my diseased toe.  There was no longer a valid need to have a nurse in the room; nothing was happening here.

The spell was broken.  Like Cinderella in reverse, he did not ask for my digits or proceed to sweep me off said foot.  Instead, he told me in his delightfully hard to decipher accent that I had a rare syndrome that caused failing circulation in one toe or one finger.  He urged me to take baby aspirin daily- "which you should be doing anyways since you are_", he stopped to glance down at my file, "yes, you are forty."

Well, twist the knife, why don't you?
A torrid affair with my dark eyed, wildly intelligent vascular surgeon off the table, I resigned myself to practical boots in extreme cold and keeping my toe warm "at all costs."

Head down, I accepted my instructions.  The magic was over.
Or was it?

My recheck is in four to six weeks...plenty of time for a girl to get a deluxe pedi and slather on some self tanner.  When he asks me to put my foot in his hand, I'll just hike that baby up on his shoulder, and see what happens.

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