Sunday, November 9, 2014


And just because it's interesting, sometimes, to hear about other people's dreams.  And, I'm keeping a dream journal, now, so I remember more of my own, here's last night:

A Three Part Act Called Panic, Terror, and Horror

Jacob, after being reprimanded for trying to ride his bicycle on the roof of the house (don't ask), got upset, and climbed a tree.  He got scared and couldn't get down.  As my mom showed up out of nowhere (as she so often does in my dreams), looked on, I reached up my arms to catch him as he let go.  He hit his head on the ground, and upon hearing the snap, I immediately knew he'd broken his neck.  C-4?!!  C-5?!! 
I looked down at his eyes closed.  He was unresponsive.

Tim and i were driving somewhere- out of town, I would assume, since I was napping in the passenger seat.  I sat up, a little sweaty and disoriented to see Tim sleeping and snoring, with both hands tucked behind his head, the wheel free.  We began to veer off the road.

And last but not least, this little gem:
Cory's body was exhumed and transferred to another cemetery without my permission.  I showed up there demanding to see her plot.  The guy in charge finally caught on to what I was saying through my screaming and tears, and responded easily, "Oh!  The folks from Bedford?  Yeah, we got 'em.  They were doing some major changes to their layout there and had to displace a lot of plots.  People are not happy."

I just looked at him.  "WHERE IS SHE?"

"Now, calm down, ma'am...she's not been reinterred yet.  We can't plant till Spring.  She'll be just fine in the deep freeze."

I lunged forward and began beating this man on the chest with my fists.


  1. I'm sorry that there seems to be NO ESCAPE for you..Ever; even in your dreams :(

  2. It sucks, Roz. It's always the feeling of being out of control.
