Saturday, March 28, 2015

Candy Man

Last night, my husband came home from work and woke me up.
"Hey sweetie, I came home with a little presentation and everyone's asleep!"
"A presentation?"  I asked sleepily, raising myself up a little in the bed.
"Yeah!"  he said excitedly, "I'll be right back!"
I turned on the little lamp beside my bed, and waited.  He returned a moment later with a plastic bag held protectively to his chest.
"I thought I would surprise everyone with their favorite candy."  He said.  Tim loves candy.  He shows his love through candy (and sometimes baked goods).  His love language is sugar.
He reached dramatically into the bag and stirred things around a bit.  
"First we have Jake's favorite candy...skittles!"  he said and brought the package out like a magician coaxing a timid rabbit.  He showed it off to his audience of one, and dipped his head back into the bag.   "Then we have Mom's favorite candy...which we all chocolate with nuts." he announced and held the Hershey with Almonds high in the air.
I waited as he went back into the bag a third time.  "And for Dad...I got Cory's favorite candy...remember these?"  he pulled the Ferrero Rocher package out of the bag, and I saw the tears had already began their silent journey down his cheek.
Did I remember them?  How could I forget?  We'd gotten her a star shaped container at Christmas and a bunny shaped container of them at Easter for as long as I could remember.
"I'm going to take them out to her tomorrow, and leave them on the monument."  he said.

What a sweet, sweet man.

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