Thursday, March 14, 2013

Mirror, Mirror

Let's pretend this is one of those slick novels or movies in which decades are rewound and fast forwarded with impeccable ease, so that you get a little of the story at a time, while getting a good sense of the characters, and their life stories. Humor me, I know I'm nowhere near there, yet. :)
Wanna go?

As he stepped out of the shower and reached for a towel, I perched on the toilet seat to watch him shave, just as I had watched my dad shave when I was a little girl.  Once he’d rubbed off every last droplet, he casually swathed the towel around his lean hips and prepared to lather up his face.  As he busied himself to his task, I ate him up with my eyes.  He was slim, boyish even, in his build.  His short height, combined with the slim build, gave him a deceptively youthful vibe, although he closing in on forty.  Being part Hispanic, he had skin that turned a golden brown after any time in the sun.  My eyes travelled from his tanned shoulders to his back  to his flat belly.  I watched his hands as he stirred up foam with the old-fashioned soap cake and shaving brush he’d gotten from his folks as a Christmas gift.  He enjoyed the ritual of mixing the shaving foam even more than the results of his close shave.  He needed rituals, both innocent and sinister.  They soothed him.  I imagine they brought some type of order to the constant chaos in his head.   Leisurely, I studied each and every tattoo of the many on each of his arms from wrist to shoulder…not for the first time, or the last.   Not every tattoo was a work of art, but each was part of him, and so revered nonetheless.  Did I love that man?  God, even his feet were beautiful.

  As I inventoried him head to toe, he kept up a steady stream of chatter.  Every so often he burst into a snatch of song or gave a deep belly laugh at something that had tickled him.  He glanced my way to be sure I was paying attention, and carelessly threw me a smile.  Over a decade later, and he still had me swooning like a school girl. There was nothing I liked more than to make him smile, unless it was making him laugh. 

He scrutinized his face in the mirror, commenting on the dashingly handsome young man who gazed back him, what a catch he was, what a looker, and so forth.  I smiled indulgently and concurred.  My lover’s eye could find no fault in any of his features; I could stare at his face all day.  His eyes held me captive.  He had beautiful, brown eyes that turned hazel in the sunlight.  He hated his strong nose.  It was too pronounced, he said.  He never showed his teeth when smiling for a picture; he hated his smile.  One little tooth in the front twisted slightly over another.  He called it his snaggle tooth.  While I found it endearing, he found it ugly.  Then there was his mouth.  He had the fullest, most sensual lips I’d ever seen.  I literally couldn’t watch him talk without thinking about kissing him.  Of course, he thought they were too full and made him look goofy.  If only he could see what I saw. 

In all reality, he looked much older than his years, for his life’s habits gave him away.  There were too many lines, too many wrinkles, and something about the quality of his skin spoke of a daily race to the bottom of a bottle.   My mind’s eye knew this to be true, but my heart was always the lens through which I saw him. I sometimes wondered what he really saw when he studied his reflection, for his actions didn’t sure mirror his boastful words.  I knew what he was doing.  By this time, neither of us were strangers to denial.

 I sat, perfectly satisfied to simply watch him move.  His moved fluidly, gracefully.  He shaved methodically, stopping to tap, tap, tap the foam off his razor as he rinsed.  I waited, like a shy and meek child, for the smallest acknowledgement, and upon receiving it, sat up a little taller, my face flushed with pleasure; my soul fed until the next time.

            He was just as content with me, his perfect audience.  Years of past experience had taught me to listen attentively, not interrupt with too many questions, and to laugh heartily at his jokes.  He loved to hear himself talk, but he loved for others to love hearing him talk even more.  He didn’t want anyone to interrupt his rhythm or miss a fascinating detail that he needed to share.  I was an excellent listener and besides… I was pretty to look at while he talked. 

            As he relayed a funny event or how mad someone had made him (he never “got mad”, someone always made him mad), I pretended not to notice that he hadn’t asked about my day.  Instead, I wondered if this was the beginning of better times.  Again, I wondered this.  Not for the second time or the tenth.  It was as constant in my mind as the honest surprise each time things fell apart.

            But right then, things were good.  Magic even.  They were the very best kind of magic- the birthday table laden with presents, the Christmas tree dwarfed by gifts, the Thanksgiving table groaning with the weight of every possible delicacy.  All of those things and more were mine as he wiped his handsome face with a hand towel.   He pronounced the job well done, deliberately ignoring one little daub of shaving cream beside his earlobe, and proceeded to rub it all over my face and neck as I squealed and giggled in protest.  He rubbed his smooth face all over mine as he pulled me in close for the kiss I’d been waiting for all along.  He knew it as well as I did; he had all the power.  He grabbed me up in his arms, smiling widely, as I hooked my legs around his waist.  He threatened and growled as I screamed with laughter, carrying me to his bed, where I was unceremoniously dumped in a happy pile of blonde hair and long limbs.    “Shhh” he cautioned, putting a finger to his beautifully shaped mouth, “Not so loud, Young Davidson… whatever will the neighbors think?” he asked, arching an eyebrow before moving in to tickle, to kiss, to love.  I was lost.


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