Sunday, August 30, 2015

Little Brother

Jake and I went to see her at the cemetery tonight.  We got out and stood in front of her monument, our conversation quieted to whispers in this special place.  Jacob would no more goof around in a cemetery than he would streak naked down the street.  He is a respectful old soul.  I greeted her the same as always, and Jake followed suit.  "Do you want to tell her something you miss about her?"  I asked him.

"Oh, I miss everything about her."  he said.  The sweetness of his honesty made me bow my head and take a step back, just letting the siblings be together.  Their world was lost when she left, and it's worth mourning all on its own.

We stayed only a couple of minutes; I'm careful not to force these visits to be too long, afraid I'll stop Jacob from wanting to come.  We gave our kisses and ran from the stark reality of her name carved into that beautiful stone.  As we drove away, I asked Jacob if he thought Cory was happy where she was.

"Well...I think she misses us, but you know, she doesn't have to see those terrible things anymore so maybe she is happy.  You said she was smiling when she came to see you, right?"

Yes, she sure was.

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